How Stress Can Negatively Impact Your Skin

Stress is a part of daily life—there’s no getting around it. We can’t avoid our jobs, bills, challenging relationships, politics, or a long to-do list of daily chores. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association’s 2017 consumer survey on stress, more...


Hyper-pigmentation is very complex and treatment depends on when it’s located, the cause , and the individual/s skin type and tolerance. Many people will say they use sunscreen, and although UV or environmental hyper-pigmentation is common, it can also be cause...

Why Some People Get Spider Veins and Others Don’t

Spider veins are one of the most common types of visible veins, but while they are completely natural, not everyone will get them. In fact, in the United States, 20% of men and 15% of women, on average, will never experience spider veins. Wondering why you happen to...