Hyper-pigmentation is very complex and treatment depends on when it’s located, the cause , and the individual/s skin type and tolerance. Many people will say they use sunscreen, and although UV or environmental hyper-pigmentation is common, it can also be cause by sensitivity, inflammation and minor trauma from breakouts.  The most effective treatments are those that reduce pigment and inflammation  while taking downtime into consideration. Chemical peels are one of the best way to lift and remove existing hyper-pigmentation. Our suggestion alternating peels with a range of surfacing ingredient concentrations over a series of treatments, which allows the skin to bounce back and not to be inundated with the same peeling agent. For deep pigmentation issues, laser are also the option. Most important, new pigment must be suppressed at home using natural anti-inflammatory serums, time-release hydrators and UV protection.

Hyper-pigmentation is an universal condition that can be cause by UV rays, pollution, stress, hormones, diet and inflammation. It affects people pf all ethnicities , genders and skin types, and treating it can tricky because guests differ in terms of skin sensitivity, severity of the pigmentation, and response to certain treatments.

To ensure a treatment series is effective, it’s important to define the type of hyper-pigmentation. Melanin is the brown pigment responsible for skin color and is activated by sun exposure, whereas lipofuscins are  insoluble, pale yellowish/brown pigmented complexes formed by oxidized proteins proteins and lipids caused by exposure to UV rays. Dark spots are often characterized by a localized overproduction of both. The most important thing is to prevent hyper-pigmentation with the use of daily SPF.