Cellulite is one of those aesthetic concerns that often complicates our relationships with our bodies, altering our perceptions of self-image as we compare those lumps and bumps to flawlessly edited photos across social media and advertising. Next time you’re grappling to understand your cellulite and the treatments available to you, recall the following five facts no one ever tells you about cellulite and set the record straight.
Cellulite Is Incredibly Natural and Normal
You’re used to seeing your body in a certain way, but when we begin to look at cellulite on an anatomical level, it’s as natural as smooth, firm skin. Essentially, it comes down to the structure of collagen and elastin fiber bands and the fat cells that fall beneath them
There Isn’t Just One Type of Cellulite
Not all cellulite is created equally. In fact, there are some forms of cellulite that aren’t typically visible. Technically speaking, there are four different grades of cellulite that range from zero to three. ro assumes there is no visible cellulite, though it may be beginning to form under the surface and will soon become visible. Grade one, which is also called adipose cellulite, typically appears as minor dimpling, similar to an orange peel. Grade two, or oedematous cellulite, appears looser and softer, similar to cottage cheese, and is often a result of fluid retention. Finally, grade three, or fibrotic cellulite, is considered harder cellulite, with deeper dimples, some potential puckering, and lax skin.
There’s Really No Way to Escape the Genetic Factor
Genetics seem to play a significant role in determining whether or not you’ll develop cellulite, though there continue to be other factors involved that can raise and lower—but not eliminate—your inherited risk level. In other words, if your birth parent had or has cellulite, that trait has been passed down to you.
Cellulite Appears on More Areas Than the Thighs and Buttocks
While it’s certainly most common to see cellulite in areas like the thighs and buttocks, where skin is naturally thinner and where fat tends to accumulate in women’s bodies, cellulite can technically crop up in any area in which circulation is limited. Keeping the appearance of cellulite at bay is a constant balance between maintaining firm, elastic skin and limiting fat cell accumulation. some other common areas where cellulite may appear—though it’s worth underscoring that it could technically occur anywhere—are the hips, lower abdomen, upper arms, breasts, and chest.
Topical Treatments Alone Are Not an Effective Solution
While there are some easy ways to mask the appearance of cellulite, it’s understandable to want a longer-term solution. Topical creams, serums, and treatments are often our go-to when treating any skin concerns, including cellulite. Paying attention to active ingredients in creams can help from wasting money on those with unsupported claims, but for long-term results, a topical alone likely won’t do. Instead, reducing the appearance of cellulite may be best approached by following a healthy, active lifestyle enhanced by cellulite reduction treatments and effective, science-backed skin care solutions. In particular, non-surgical cellulite reduction treatments utilize advanced energy-based technology to deliver heat therapy deep below the skin’s surface, effecting change from the inside out. The result is a visible improvement in the appearance of bumps and dimpling for smoother, firmer-looking skin.