How River Rocks Soothe Your Soul

How River Rocks Soothe Your Soul

Do you find it hard to relax? Or, maybe you wish desperately you could relax, but think your body just isn’t capable of doing so.

Well, we have a challenge and a guarantee for you. With Hot Stone Massage, there are some river rocks calling your name!

Heated in water, smooth basalt river stones are gently placed on your most knotted up areas. These little miracle workers immediately go to work.

Heat deeply penetrates, releasing tender, overworked areas begging for relief. Then our massage therapist can really work magic with her hands.

Knots loosen more easily and your massage is much deeper without the pain! We’re so sure you’ll be a wet noodle by the end of your 90 minutes of bliss we’re willing to guarantee it.

But first, you have to be ready to let go of all that stress. Get the kind of relaxation you can rarely find these days. Ask about Hot Stone Massage.


Call Us On 617 277 3339